With so many testing platform options, we see many companies make critical mistakes in the selection process with optimization platform vendors. This can leave them using solutions that limit CRO capabilities, do not work well with their site, and don’t fit organizational needs and goals. As a result optimization efforts suffer.
While many of the testing platforms available to you have overlapping capabilities, they also have strengths and weakness. Some specialize in particular areas, others have unique features and functionality. It can be a tough to confidently select one. To complicate matters further, you must balance the dazzling sales pitches and feature brochures with your own business requirements, IT demands, testing resources, budgets, and organization goals and direction. One way to avoid this is to use a structured request for proposal process. It isn’t always necessary, but it helps ensure you get exactly what you need. With our RFP template kit, we're making that easy for you.
At the end of the day, the robustness of the process you use to select a tool will have a direct impact on the utility of that tool. Distributing a great RFP can help ensure you'll have great success in the future.
Convincify helped Humana narrow down a crowded field of vendors to find the right solutions to help our Testing Program evolve for continued success. They knew the right technical and functional questions to ask in our RFP. Additionally, from understanding our business and workflow requirements, they were able to push vendors in platform walkthroughs to help us ascertain how these solutions would function on a day-to-day basis.
Mike Loveridge
Head of Conversion Optimization, Humana